Doing What You Do

When I say I used to do a lot of things I don’t anymore, it’s not an indication of my current commitment to anything I do from day to day. I’ve tried a lot of things over the years, learned about myself through them, and re prioritized as things have become more or less important to me. When I was my little brother’s age, I was playing, and just about quitting, softball. That pre-teen age is that age where we depart from our childhood hobbies in search of something else. We want our own identity rather than the activities inherited by the whims of our parents. That identity quest doesn’t stop at the next line of choices. Rather, it never stops. There are things I started doing at that age and continue to do until this day: writing poetry, keeping journal/sketchbooks, listening to lots of music… And then there are those things I tried and didn’t take. There are also those things that were me in that moment. There were those things that have become less important in place of others over time but still hold some place for me.

Lately, gaming hasn’t really been my thing. I fire up the emulators with classic games from time to time. I play the Wii in groups of the right people. In general, it has fallen by the wayside. I find myself saying more and more, “Oh, my little brother plays that,” rather than, “Oh, I beat that awhile ago.”

On the other hand, I’ve been training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 2-4 times a week. I’m looking up videos online, reading about it, watching recordings of UFC fights and I just finished watching Season 5 of The Ultimate Fighter. I’ll be cooking or working on art during the drama-and-fighters-going-blah parts, but when the referee says, “Let’s get it on!” my attention is focused. I might yell at the screen as if it’s live and not a recording. I might refer to that arm triangle as “Beautiful”.

I notice myself talking excitedly to people who have no idea what one martial art is in relation to another. I’ve started referring to it when the subject matter is something else entirely. I do this with gaming too. Yes, I still make those references too.

When cuddling, I may actually be thinking of how I’d roll out of the position or how I could do a kimura from here.

I don’t know that I’m ever going to be great at this, but I just love it. I don’t care if most of the people I roll with are better than me, bigger than me, or are likely to submit me. When someone asks me why I do jiu-jitsu or just makes some assumption, the answer is simpler than you think. I’ve found something I’m passionate about. There are great side effects, but even if they weren’t there, I’d still be rolling around the mats like a katamari.

Jiu-Jitsu = Live Action Katamari Damacy

In my last post I mentioned that I was taking Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I also stated that I had an epiphany about Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and its striking similarity to something else that is wicked fun.

I realized that Jiu-jitsu is really, essentially, live action Katamari Damacy. Sure, just like anything else that is a live action version of something, it is not exactly the same.

We cannot be a katamari though we wish we were. Katamaris are too great, powerful, and magic. However, we aspire to be more like the katamari. Jiu-jitsu can help with this.

Let me help you understand the things that lie at the core of both Katamari Damacy and Jiu-Jitsu with four main points.

1. You roll.

If you roll with someone in jiu-jitsu, it means you’re sparring with them. It essentially ends up looking like a human katamari is coming at you. There is no kicking, no punching, no eye poking, just grabbing on and rolling the other person up. This is exactly how it works in Katamari Damacy as well. Sure, in Katamari Damacy you roll up other things, but other humans and other katamaris are part of that.

2. The goal is to not be rolled up, but rather to roll up.

In Jiu-jitsu, the goal is not to get passed, swept, or essentially, rolled up by your opponent while trying to do as much to them. If you end up in a position where they are still rolling around but you can’t move, this is bad. It doesn’t mean things are over- you can break free and try to roll the other guy up, but it means that you’ve already lost some points.

…just like in Katamari Damacy.

3. You’ll lose if things don’t stick to you.

When we watch a katamari, it so effortlessly picks up the things around it. It rolls, things stick to it, struggling and there to stay unless thrown off. If you roll a person up and they come off, it means you got to go roll them up again. This is true both in jiu-jitsu and Katamari Damacy.

The effort of rolling up is greater in jiu-jitsu. The best comparison to Katamari Damacy is two player competitive mode. An important difference is that size, speed, and skill in Katamari Damacy means the difference between rolling up and being rolled up. In jiu-jitsu, skill and endurance are even greater factors.

4. There is a time limit and a point system.

In Katamari Damacy, points and winning are based on how much you roll up before time runs out.

Jiu-jitsu is not so different, however points are based more on how well you roll the person up within a time limit. One of the biggest divides here is a question of quantity versus quality. A katamari can roll all willy nilly over the earth while in jiu-jitsu, form is very important. Being the dominant roller is key, as you get points for moving into these dominant positions.

Also different is that you can use submissions to make the other person quit (tap out) in jiu-jitsu. That is illegal in Katamari Damacy and might get you arrested. Sure, a controller cord choke is kind of like a gi choke, but it is not acceptable in the gaming community. In jiu-jitsu, not only is it accepted, it is expected.

Oh Hai Neglected Blog

Oh, hai neglected blog. What’s that? It’s the middle of March? Really… When did this happen?

So, here’s some updates is an arbitrary numerical order. This is kind of a collection of excuses for not being here writing.:

1. I started taking Brazilian Jiu-jitsu classes.

Before all of you look at me with a question mark over your heads, there’s probably more reasons I started than I could put here. At the core, it’s in line with the whole self improvement thing. The Wii Fit, though awesome, is not enough.

Also, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is essentially live action Katamari Damacy. I’ll write more on that thought later, but essentially, your goal is to roll the other person up. Tell me that you don’t see the correlation.

It’s wicked fun.

2. So, there’s this guy…

Speaking of the Katamari, I know I was on a roll, but we all knew it had to end sometime. In proper form, it happened when I least expected it. I found the least likely kind of person in the least likely of settings. Before you think I’m totally lost, I’ll say we’re just kinda seeing each other right now and we’ll see where this goes (if anywhere).

For any of you thinking I can’t handle casually seeing someone, you could be right. It’s something I’m trying and hoping will be good for me. I want to know if I should be cautious, or throw caution to the wind in lieu of experiencing life to the fullest? I wonder if this a risk worth taking.

I know that opportunity only knocks once, so I run the risk… I promise I won’t run with scissors.

3. Man down!

Work is busy and I don’t even have moments to jot down thoughts about posts. One of my work buddies is on a leave of absence and I miss him, not just for the additional weight pulled, or the psychological comfort of him being around. Having someone you work that closely with every day just vanish all of the sudden just sucks. I miss him.

It’s busy. I’m trying to get this crap done and done well. I don’t do half-assed. So, I do the needful that needs doing and I do it well.

4. Social life – I has one.

I don’t know when this came about, but like other bloggers that have come before me have pointed out, it does interfere with writing regularly. It’s not all about item number 2. either. The social life thing has been going on for longer than item two has. My circle of friends is getting a little wider and a little stronger, and we’re stir crazy ready for Winter to end. That’s right, we’re crazy and doing crazy things. Woo. Raah.

Zombie Fluxx is crazy, right? Right?

So, enjoy your numerical excuses and I’ll catch up soon. I have a bunch of partially finished posts as usual. There are stories and ideas and characters floating in the ether as always. One day soon, some of them will materialize here. Until then, be well everyone.