In Honor of the Vaguely Heritage Based Drinking Holiday

Today’s screen shot is brought to you by Final Fantasy III, as emulated for Nintendo.

In honor of the vaguely heritage based drinking holiday last Wednesday, we present the tavern. Adventures begin here according to most fantasy-based games and literature, but besides that, it’s also where drinking begins, commences, ends, and begins again. Happy vaguely heritage based drinking holiday, everyone!

  • Dangersauce

    The “Black Wizard”, which is the character of FF3, appeared on the training PPT :) I love this game! Viking and Dwarf are very strong!

  • Yes! One of the trainings had the Black Wizard and Dr. Wily from MegaMan.

    The Viking job class is pretty awesome. I really enjoy being able to change characters’ jobs. FF3 was the first you could do this. FF5 was even better. My favorite Final Fantasy with the job system is Final Fantasy Tactics.