
You all may have noticed the blog went through some changes. I have new hosting on Amazon EC2 which essentially means I’m managing my own server(s). It’s taking some time to work some things out. For instance, sql was crashing on me randomly for awhile there. You live, you learn, sometimes about swap space, and things seem to be working okay now.

My theme was very outdated and I don’t really have as much time these days to write code and pretend to be a software developer, so I used a standard one that worked well with what I already had for a design. I already pretend to be so many things, I find more and more that I have to pick and choose. Why can’t I just be master of all things? Look at Charlie Sheen after all. He’s winning, why can’t I?

These days I’m spending a bunch of time in the ceramic art studio. I stopped doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu for now, though not before I got my blue belt. I decided I couldn’t figure out a way to effectively do everything I was doing, so I was instead ineffectively doing many things. Sometimes you have to step back and take stock of priorities. Yes, even things that you love and find important have to move down that list sometimes. If there are too many that take too much time, some may even have to drop off. It doesn’t mean they can’t ever go back on… It also doesn’t mean that you find everything on that list described as “things you love AND find important”. We all wish we could do what we love all the time, and I have great respect for the people who do this or even try to. Maybe I’ll get there some day, but right now, I’m not quite there.

But mostly, it’s going well. Life is a work in progress, and I can at least look back and see that it at least appears that I’m getting somewhere.

Hopefully I’ll start properly posting again. For those of you that realize this migration was a smaller time frame and excuse to not be posting, maybe I’ll even post on that subject. However, for now, I need to do that sleep thing. Yes, it’s one of those important things that is a priority. I even realize some people love it, but dream time has been even more intense for me lately.

So, please be gentle weird, subconscious things in my head. And goodnight, all.