Spiral Book – Calvin & Romulans

They would be Calvin’s allies against the Romulans. The Romulans’ weakness was coca-cola. An injection of coca-cola in the blood-stream produced death. Except for on area, however, the Romulans’ skin was totally toughness with a capital T.

The skin defied all attempts to penetrate it. One weakness was the neck. Romulans never went necking with anyone. Vrombies had teeth like poisonous snakes. They can eject any kind of liquid through them. The Vrombies would bite the Romulans on the neck and inject coca-cola into their system.

Writing, Dreaming, Remembering

I wish I didn’t have to write like I do. I wish I would just think in a narrative and the words would form on the paper. Or, at least I wish I could write as fast as I think. So many stories and ideas I think up are left unrecorded. My mind seems to be most active right before I go to sleep. It’s the only time where there’s nothing else I can or should be doing. It’s the only time I don’t have to think of anything, so I’m allowed to think at my own leisure. All of what goes on in my head while I sleep I’ll never be able to record. I seldom remember what I dream. All I can remember is how strange or extraordinary or amazing it was. Even if I do remember, I don’t remember it enough to write it all down. I don’t remember things as they initially were when I thought them up. I will think of something and it will be forgotten, maybe because I think too much. One thought comes after the next, piling up quickly and soon they replace the previous, lost forever.It will probably never be thought of again. There are too many things to think of. My thoughts are story ideas, sayings, analyzing, poems, songs, what I need to do, what I want to do. Thank god for paper or I would never remember anything. Events slip away. I would really have to think if you asked me what I did yesterday. I remember routine, but only because it is routine. The things I do remember, I can’t always remember the order when they happened.